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Our own mining experts develop custom-designed supply chains, wherever you are, whatever the terrain, you can rely on tried and tested solutions.

In the mining industry, maybe more than in other sectors, no two companies are the same. But they all have in common that they depend on a steady and reliable inbound supply chain for their equipment, spare parts and other materials.


Solutions for every situation
From a supply chain point of view, the global mining industry can be divided in two segments. Mines in areas with a developed infrastructure can be served easily with the same supply chain solutions that work for other industries. But most mines are located in remote, rural areas, often with rudimentary infrastructures and few opportunities to optimise transportation. We offer tested solutions for both situations.


African presence
The Global Mining Team has offices in strategic locations: West Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa. The team is supported by 50 partner offices. Combining our dense global network with our presence in most important mining destinations, we are able to deliver door-to-door service from any origin country to any mining site on the African Continent. 

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